Climax of Annual Hajj Expected to Break Attendance Records in Spite of Covid-Related Restrictions.

Climax of annual hajj could break attendance records

Key Points:

  • Saudi officials say this year’s hajj – one of the five pillars of Islam – could be the biggest in history, with numbers capped in previous years because of Covid pandemic.
  • After performing the ritual circumambulation of the Kaaba, worshippers set off for Mina, about seven kilometres (more than four miles) away, in suffocating heat.
  • Helicopters and AI-equipped drones have been deployed to monitor the flow of traffic towards Mina, which sits in a narrow valley flanked by rocky mountains.
  • The last stop is back in Mecca, where pilgrims will perform a final circumambulation of the Kaaba.
  • All Muslims who are capable are expected to form the hajj at least once.

Closing Paragraph

The annual hajj is a significant religious event for Muslims from around the world. This year’s event, which was impacted by the Covid pandemic, has been closely monitored for safety, with helicopters and drones monitoring traffic towards Mina. Despite the heat, many pilgrims feel that the experience is worth repeating, despite the risks. The safety measures put in place have so far ensured that there have been no major incidents since 2015. While large attendance numbers make this year’s event challenging, it is still an important demonstration of faith, and the global community has united in their desire for a successful hajj.

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